
We Reached the Highest Mobility Number in ERASMUS

29.08.2022 06:12
Our university, which has taken its internationalization goal to a higher level every year since its establishment, carried out 130 international mobility within the scope of ERASMUS Mobility last year.
Between 31 July 2021 and 31 July 2022, 101 students and staff went abroad within the scope of ERASMUS Mobility, while 29 staff and students from abroad came to our university. Within the scope of ERASMUS Student and Staff Mobility in Higher Education, the staff of our university attended a one-week lecture or training abroad, and the students carried out one-term education or 2-3-month internship mobility. In the same way, the staff who came to our university from abroad gave lectures and received training, and the students have carried out a one-term education or 2-3-month internship mobility.
Making a statement on the subject, our Rector Prof. Dr. Fethi Ahmet Polat pointed out that our university achieved the highest number in ERASMUS Mobility. Polat said, “Due to the pandemic, in the last two years, the number of mobility has decreased considerably in our university, as in the rest of the world. However, ERASMUS Coordination Office, which accelerated its work with the loss of the effect of the pandemic in the last academic year and with the start of face-to-face education in all higher education institutions in the world, provided 130 students and staff benefit from this mobility this year. In this context, we provided more than 200 thousand Euros of grant support to students and staff. Within the scope of Erasmus Mobility in Muş Alparslan University in the 12-year period since its establishment in 2009, approximately 450 mobility activities took place until July 2021, and it is pleasing that 130 mobility took place only this year. I would like to thank our Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Murad Aydın Şanda, ERASMUS Institutional Coordinator Lect. Yahya Adanır and all our friends at the ERASMUS Office.”
ERASMUS Institutional Coordinator Lect. Yahya Adanır, on the other hand, stated that they are happy to have reached the highest number of mobilities in the 12-year period and stated that they will work to increase this number even more in the coming years. Adanır said, “A total of 130 students and staff benefited from the five ERASMUS Projects which we carried out between July 2021 and July 2022. Our students and staff had the opportunity to realize this mobility in higher education institutions in Germany, France, Spain, Portugal, Finland, Macedonia, Romania, Poland, Latvia, Palestine, Kosovo, Georgia and Kazakhstan. One of the most important achievements for us in these projects was that 24 staff members and 5 students from abroad came to our university and benefited from this program. Staff from countries such as Kosovo, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Palestine were active in teaching and training in various units at our university for a week, while students from Ukraine, Georgia, Romania and Kazakhstan continued their education in our university programs for one semester.
Adanır said, “I would like to thank Our Rector Prof. Dr. Fethi Ahmet Polat and our Vice Rector for International Relations Prof. Dr. Murad Aydın Şanda who did not spare any support from us during the implementation of these projects.”