
New Achievements in Erasmus Mobility

10.08.2023 19:23

Our university, which has taken its internationalization goal to a higher level every year since its establishment, has carried out 96 international round-trip mobility within the scope of ERASMUS Mobility in the last year.

Between 01 August 2022 and 01 August 2023, 71 students and staff carried out educational activities abroad within the scope of ERASMUS Mobility, while 25 staff and students from abroad came to our university and engaged in educational activities. Within the scope of ERASMUS Student and Staff Mobility in Higher Education, the staff of our university gave a one-week lecture or training abroad, and the students carried out a one-term education or 2-3-month internship mobility. In the same way, the staff who came to our university from abroad attended teaching and training activities while the students have carried out a one-term education or 2-3-month internship mobility.

Making a statement on the subject, our Erasmus Institutional Coordinator Lect. Yahya ADANIR pointed out that our university has reached very high numbers in Erasmus Mobility in the last two years, and said, “We have been carrying out projects within the framework of the Erasmus program at our university since 2009 and we are trying to raise our success bar a little higher every year. In the last 14 years, hundreds of students and staff have participated in educational activities in various countries abroad within the scope of the Erasmus program, and in the same way, dozens of students and staff from abroad have come to our university and engaged in educational activities. More than 200 staff and students have benefited from this program, especially within the scope of the projects we have been carrying out for the last 2 years. A total of 96 students and staff benefited from the five ERASMUS Projects we carried out between 01 August 2022 and 01 August 2023. Our students and staff had the opportunity to realize this mobility in higher education institutions of countries such as Germany, France, Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Macedonia, Greece, Romania, Serbia, Poland, Latvia, Palestine, Kosovo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Georgia, and Kazakhstan. One of the most important achievements for us in these projects was that 17 staff and 8 students from abroad came to our university and benefited from this program. Staff from countries such as Ukraine, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Palestine attended teaching and training activities in various units at our university for a week, while students from Ukraine, Georgia, Kosovo, Romania, and Kazakhstan continued their education in our university programs for one semester. In this context, we provided a total of 142,732 Euro (approximately 4,200,000 TL) grant support to students and staff. I would like to thank all the university management, especially my colleagues at the Erasmus Office, who contributed to this success.”